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The 7 Sponge Rating Standard for Film
The details of this Rating System have
been composed by Squid. This
is a good thing, since he does the bulk of the Film Reviews at
any rate.
One Sponge: Suppose that this movie is something
your sweetie insists on seeing on a date. Well, my friend, a movie
at this level represents legitimate reason to break up, whether
you want to or not. Trust me, you don't want this person in your
life. Or this movie. While I don't believe in censorship, I do
believe that at this point, the director should be forced to do
some sort of public penance. Like, picking up garbage on the side
of the highway, or better, in the middle of the highway.
Two Sponges: You could grit your teeth and
bear this movie, if, say, your friends were all watching it together.
It might even bring you all closer together, in the same sense
that being in an open boat for a week on the high seas would bring
people closer together. This is not, however, enjoyable, and you
need to know it. You should find some way of avoiding this film.
This is why I recommend keeping a list of "Things To Do In Atlanta"
handy for just such an occasion, so you can steer people away
from this, in much the same sense that radio traffic reports steer
people away from trouble.
Three Sponges: Unfortunately, so much Hollywood
drivel falls into this category. It is a movie that does not have
anything in particular to recommend it. If you find yourself pining
for a particular star, you might enjoy it, if you can block out
the rest of the movie. If you enjoy the director or some such
art-school drivel, you will not enjoy it, because you will be
wondering how your hero could have fallen so badly. It might work
out for the best; you could contrast this piece to their other
work, and the work that you were impressed with from the beginning
will seem that much better, I suppose, but really at that level
you're reaching. It's not worth the admission price, and it's
not worth the ninety to one hundred twenty minutes of your life,
you need to find an alternative, but it won't leave scars like
the previous two grades could.
Four Sponges: Hey, not bad. If you were,
say, the manager of the student lounge at the student activities
center in a smallish liberal-arts college in Atlanta designed
to emulate Corpus Christi College, and this had been the film
scheduled to run on the big-screen projector on the night you
were scheduled to work, you could sit quietly in the back and
make out your schedule or just make out, and every now and then
you'd find something enjoyable in this film, and you wouldn't
really mind it running at all. You may not want to pay full admission
price at the theater, but if you're bored and have a couple of
hours to kill, you could rent this and even share it with friends.
Or even the dollar-fifty theaters, that wouldn't be bad either.
Five Sponges: This should be the minimum
of most of the movies you like, in the sense that if it came on
cable you'd tape it. Here is something that you could conceivably
plan an evening around. Better have good snacks, though. At this
level, if it's a comedy, you and your friends might start making
dumb references off it. If it's drama, you might walk away from
it with a sense of listening to a decent story. You're not going
to have a burning desire to see this movie, but compared to most
of the menu that you might find at the video store, you might
want to pick this one up as you're browsing; you might find something
better, but you certainly won't go wrong here.
Six Sponges: This is the "zone". Here is
where you feel that this is a well-spent evening; you don't mind
shelling out seven-fifty to share this movie with your sweetie
or your buddies. You will think back on this time and this film
with a certain indefinable glow. Okay, maybe not, but you know
that this movie was a positive experience for you. At this level,
go ahead and start to find other work by the director and the
writer, because this will expand your movie horizons into something
positive and worthwhile. This is where I feel that people need
to see this movie, that you will be missing out on something possibly
beautiful or possibly moving or possibly hilarious or possibly
profound. Here is where I will occasionally slip out of "Joe Six-Pack"
mode; please pardon me.
Seven Sponges: Well, at this level, I must
become an active proselytizer of the movie. I feel the need to
compel people to see this movie, bodily dragging them to the theater
if I need to. A movie that does this is very rare. We could take
the original Star Wars as an example, or perhaps
Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The danger of
movies at this level is that they have attained such perfection
that they run the risk of becoming overlooked as time goes on.
That's a shame, because these are the movies that you need every
so often just to get you through this life.
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